Why Are Women Loud And Moody?

3 min readAug 30, 2020
Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

It is no secret that we as women have a reputation for being quite obnoxious. The most common form of that state is obviously during that “time of the month”, Yay! more like Nay. Truth be told getting our cycle is more than irritable, from bloating and abdominal cramps to acne and mood swings. I think this is more than enough reason to nag about every single thing. However, our menstrual cycle is not the only thing that can get a woman to feel this way. Oh! pregnancy, I’m sure we can come to the conclusion that this is all because of what the menstrual cycle and pregnancy have in common which is everything. After all, it was created with one purpose. Since the very first time you become a “lady” from there every month, your body prepares to make a baby. However, if you do not conceive then the uterus sheds its lining resulting in your period. Well even though it all sounds like a logical explanation and probably something you’ve already heard before what if I tell you this “mood swings” instead of making you look insane it is actually what’s keeping you sane?

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

We have this amazing superpower in which our bodies have this bowl called the uterus waiting to create life and when life does not happen it starts to spill over. We let out anger, we cry and scream. Then again if life does happen our bodies will form, care, grow until it needs to let it out. That’s when birth happens and while we are birthing, we let our emotions out just like we are pushing a baby out. We moan, yell, cry until we have let it out. This is the nature of our bodies as women.

When we start to feel moody because of what our bodies are going through, things that have been bothering you for a while unconsciously start to come out. We become more sincere and express what’s been bothering us like having to tell your husband to pick up his socks for the millionth time this week or telling that someone that hurt you how that made you feel. Many people mostly men will consider this as nagging about everything. But in reality, is a way of our brain telling us we are not OK and we need to address the problem because deep down it is affecting us. There are many ways to deal with the way you feel whether that’s talking to someone about it or screaming and crying to your pillow, either way, it is the way your body wants you to handle your emotions, and its the way your body protects your mental health.




Soon to be mother of two boys. Bilingual: what I can’t remember in English I’’ll remember in Spanish.